Hello 2023 – Service Cats U.S.

Happy New Year! C’mon Zebby, it’s time for our first post of 2023.


Happy New Year signature animated


          Wait….what? I’s thought…Okay, Happy New Year!!! We hope everybody had a wonderful and Blest Christmas and New Year.


Yep, Zebby and I played with our new twisty’s and gave mommy lots and lots of loving all day Christmas and again New Year’s Eve. Mommy once heard that whatever you’re doing when the clock strikes midnight and rings in the new year, will set the tone for the whole year. So, she insisted we spend it loving each other. Zebby and I happily obliged.

Raena lays in lay selfie


          Sure enough RaenaBelle. I’m always up for loving. ‘Course, I’m also always up for play time…meal time…treat time…


Yeah, Yeah, we get it Zebby. You’re always up for just about anything. Anyways, we got so many wonderful cards from our friends from all across the world. Thank you so much, we really appreciate them. It really warms our hearts. It also helps mommy who has a tough time at the holidays. Old memories and losses cloud her mind. I’m sure lots of you understand that. Anyways, another year has come and gone, and we’re still here. That’s a huge Blessing. We’re grateful to have more time to share with each other and you.

Zebby watches a Christmas Card video on the iMac

Zebby watching a Christmas card video on our new to us iMac



          For Sure! We love our friends so much. Speaking of, we wanted to say a few thank yous. Thank you to the beautiful Erin and Mrs. H for the Christmas green papers. We hope your birthday was as purrfect as you are. And thank you to aunty Ellen for the gift card. We purray you and uncle David feel better real soon.


We also wanted to say thank you to Peekaboo, Onyx, and aunty Tessie fur the Christmas green papers. Y’all are so sweet. And, thank you to fellow cat scout Mango, and aunty Brenda fur the Christmas green papers. We’re sorry for your family’s loss and wish you safe travels home.


          I wanted to say thank you again to all who joined us for the annual Blessing Train. It was so much fun.

Zebby lays atop the liberty cat tree selfie


Yeah Zebby, anytime we get together with friends, is a good time. We look forward to many more years and get togethers in the future. For now, we’re going to be taking a few weeks off so that mommy can try to get things sorted with the new to us computer. Seems transferring our photos and files isn’t a walk in the park. Not that we ever go walking in the park, but mommy says it gets really frustrating at times. She’s not complaining, cuz we’re thrilled to be able to have a computer, it’s just taking longer than expected. And of course, you all know, mommy’s no techy. MOL


          BUT, We Will Be Back!!! We’ll still be available on social media and via email and phone. So, we’re not really going anywhere, we just won’t be posting for a few weeks. Now, I’ll go link us up with the Kitties Blue for Sunday Selfies.

Raena lap selfie


Thanks Zebby. As we do each week, we’d like to remind you to take a minute today and every day to Give Thanks for the Blessings in your lives. Thank you for being Blessings in ours.


Till the next time……………………………………………..Be Blest!!!


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