Do Siamese Cats Change Color? Answer Might Surprise You



Siamese cats are known for two characteristics: their unique meow and distinctive coat markings. If you’ve ever seen a newborn Siamese kitten, you may be curious about some of the modifications that occur shortly afterward. Siamese kittens are born white but begin to change color soon after birth. The temperature causes the Siamese color to change, but the color that emerges is genetically programmed. Later on, we’ll go into detail about why Siamese cats change color. It’s common for kittens to change color, but if an older Siamese cat does, it may be a sign of a high body temperature triggered by an illness.

Why Siamese Cats Change Color!

The temperature of a Siamese cat’s skin has a direct impact on the color of its coat. Its coat becomes paler as the temperature rises. Siamese kittens are born white because they spent 9 weeks developing in a warm womb with an average temperature of 1010 degrees Fahrenheit. A Siamese cat’s fur remains white at this temperature. You will notice the color change in Siamese cat’s kittens when they get 1 week old.  They will also start developing darker points in some parts of their body. This color change occurs when the skin temperature drops below 980 degrees Fahrenheit, and they will develop points in their legs, face, ears, and tail. Temperature affects the depth of color, but genetics determines the color itself. The presence of the Himalayan gene, which inhibits the development of melanin at temperatures above 980 degrees Fahrenheit, controls the color change in Siamese cats. Heat inhibits an enzymatic coat color change that occurs only when the skin temperature falls below 980 degrees Fahrenheit. As a result, their neck and body remain white for about a week after birth, while their extremities begin to darken.

Siamese Cat Point Colors

Your Siamese cat’s points darken as the temperature rises. The color that emerges is determined by genetic coding. Purebred Siamese cats come in four natural colors: seal point, blue point, chocolate point, and lilac point. Fawn, cinnamon, caramel, lynx, tortie, red, white, apricot, and tabby are some of the other point colors that have come from breeding programs.

Seasonal Changes

Do the colors of Siamese cats change with the seasons? Yes, the colour of Siamese cats changes when the season changes. In the spring, a Siamese cat sheds its winter undercoat. If you live in a hot climate, your cat’s summer coat will lighten as a result of the hot weather. When the fall will arrive, the cat’s winter coat will emerge and with the arrival of winters when the temperature is cold, the fur will get darker in shade. From this, it is clear that seasons can affect the color of a Siamese cat.



Other Causes of Color Changes:

Raised Body Temperature

If a mature Siamese cat’s points start to fade, it could suggest that its body temperature has risen above 980 degrees Fahrenheit. Take your cat to the vet for a health examination in this situation to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

Sun Effect

This cat breed like all cats enjoys soaking up the sun rays. They will run to the area where they will see sunlight and then they will sit under it for long hours. If a Siamese cat’s points are exposed to too much sunlight, some of the black furs can turn reddish-brown, as the sun bleaches out some of the colors in the same way it bleaches out human hair. The sun can have this effect on indoor cats as well since they often lie by windows, and the sun can also lighten fur through the glass – you’ve already noticed how it fades your clothes and furniture as well.

Diet Deficiencies

A deficiency of the enzyme tyrosine, which is responsible for the development of melanin, the pigment that gives black fur its color, can cause black Siamese cat fur to turn rusty brown. Since melanin protects cats from the sun (just as it does us), keep an eye out for a cat with this condition being sunburned. It’s a safe idea to take your black cat to the vet for a thorough diagnosis if it’s suddenly turning a rusty hue. If your cat’s diet is lacking in tyrosine, it’s time to make some changes. To keep your cat safe, all purpose-made cat food should contain the proper amount of vitamins and minerals, so double-check the brand you’re feeding. If you prepare your cat food (raw or cooked), make sure to meet the recommended recommendations and provide all of the required nutrients for your Siamese cat’s health. Since this enzyme is present in protein foods like chicken and fish, feeding your cat a vegetarian diet may be the cause of its tyrosine deficiency. Low zinc or copper levels, as well as a lack of tyrosine, may cause black fur to lighten, but if you feed your cat a well-balanced diet, the symptoms should go away.

Health Conditions

Your Siamese cat’s black fur can fade due to certain health conditions that influence the cat’s tyrosine metabolism. One example is liver disease. It’s also possible that thyroid and kidney issues are to blame. If your Siamese cat’s dark fur starts to lighten despite no shift in body temperature, you can consult a veterinarian.

Old Age

It’s not uncommon for a cat to develop gray hairs as it gets older. The darker the points on your Siamese cat, the more you’ll note it as it gets older.

Can a Siamese cat Be Black?

A Siamese cat is technically a black cat. The Himalayan gene prevents the production of melanin, and thus Siamese cat develops certain seal points in their body.

Bottom Line

Yes, Siamese cats do change color with seasonal changes. All Siamese kittens are born white and they change color after few weeks and develop certain points in their body. The actual color of any Siamese cats will never change but it can get darker or lighter according to the surrounding temperature.



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