Dear Santa – Service Cats U.S.

RaenaBelle:  Hello dear friends. Can you believe it’s already almost Christmas? Kittens!! This year is almost over and we’ve not been around much. Actually, we’ve been around just not here. Mommy’s spent most of her time getting used to the new to us iMac, and trying to find rides to appointments and town. Anyways, we’re not here today to talk about why we haven’t been around.

Zebby sits pretty pose, selfie


(Zebby comes running in with excitement and crashes into RaenaBelle) Hisssssssssssss (Raena whaps Zebby)


Zebby:  Ooooooooops, Sorry RB, but I’m so excited I just can’t wait any longer. We have a Christmas Tree!!! Sure nuff, a real live fake tree with lights and decorations. And, I’ve been such a good boy, I haven’t tried to climb it or even play with any of the tempting dangles. That Santa dude better bring me something this year. He doesn’t have any idea how hard it is to ignore such temptations.


RaenaBelle lays on chair arm


RB:  Zebby! (shakes head) You’re supposed to leave the tree alone because it makes mommy happy. And, because it’s not actually a toy or piece of furniture. As most of you have surely surmised by now, there is no Blessing Train this year. We’ve had a couple of people ask after it, but we decided to retire it after last year. We had hoped to have something new this year, but alas, we’re kind of at a loss. We are still Blest.


Christmas tree 2023


Z:  We are indeed RB, we just need to come up with something that people wanna participate in. In the meantime, did mommy get our letters to Santa sent off?


RaenaBelle selfie


RB:  Sure she did Zebby, but don’t hold your breath, okay? Remember, our peeps have to pay for the things the big man brings and mommy doesn’t have any money. She had to buy us a little extra food cause it’s a long month with a holiday that’ll affect shipping and she didn’t want us to go without. Aunty Lene sent us litter so mommy put it under the tree so we’d have a present.


Zebby lays on chair back


Z:  Well who made those rules? Anyways, aunty Brenda sent us some green papers yesterday. We sure do appreciate it. So, mommy can use those.


RB:  Well Zebby, mommy has to pay our bills before anything else. Don’t be so greedy. You have a roof over your head, a full belly, a warm and loving lap to lay in, and a forever home with a mommy who loves and adores you. What else could you possibly need?


RaenaBelle's letter to Santa 2023


Z:  Well, since you ask, here’s a copy of my Santa letter. Let me read yours.


Zebby's letter to Santa 2023

Zebby lays on back in sisal bed


Zebby:  You can find our treats at and/or

We like the freeze dried and dehydrated whole prey just fine and there’s no shipping limitations or requirements.


RB:  We want to thank our dear friends LouLou, aunty Suzanne and uncle Don for the cheese wheel that came today. Mommy was on cloud nine. Well, we better go for now. We promise to see you all soon.


Till the next time………………………………………..Be Blest!!!


Love and Hugs and Kitty Kisses


RaenaBelle and Zebby

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