The pointed colouring when it comes to Siamese cats is said to come in a variety of colour combinations. All of them have been accepted under the breed standards.
The colours of these Siamese cats are known to be the result of cross-breeding with certain other cat breeds a few generations back. A couple of such breeds include Cream Point, Seal Point, Tortoiseshell Point, Red Point, Lynx Point etc.
The point colouration in the cats started from the Siamese and other closely linked Asian breeds. You may also find in other Western developed breeds as well. It is said to be a form of albinism that is resulting from a mutation which is known to affect an enzyme called tyrosinase.
This enzyme is associated with the production of melanin in the body.
The Lynx Point Siamese cat is said to be formed with the mating of a colourpoint cat to a Tabby cat. You may find it as an accepted cat pattern in certain cat registries but not for others.
Point colouration is said to be an essential need when it comes to Siamese cat and few other close cat breeds. But certain other breeds the colourpoints including Lynx Point came after a long time in the breed lines.
About Lynx Point Siamese Cat
The Lynx point Siamese cats are popularly also referred to as Tabby Point in the U.K region. They have quite a distinctive look due to the cross-breeding or mating of Siamese and Tabbies. A kitten that was born from this mating was again cross-bred with a purebred Seal Point cat.
This lead to a Seal Tabby Point Siamese cat. The Lynx Point Siamese have beautiful markings on their body which is similar to that of wild lynx but they are no way linked to each other.
In the 1940s, the cross-breeding had begun but it was not that serious a business. However, scenarios started to change until 20 years post that. There is still an ongoing debate about whether to consider them as part of the Siamese tribe.
When you go to purchase a cat or kitten you may come across lynx point mix with a Siamese as well as short-haired tabby. However, if you are looking for a Siamese breed then do check with the registered and known breeders who specialize in breeding Siamese variety.
Physical Characteristics:
The lynx point Siamese cat is known to have well-defined stripes mostly around their legs, eyes and cheeks. Their tails are marked with various rings of colour and it extends all the way upwards to the tail. Their body colour would be mostly pale but similar to the other Siamese breed, the body of the Lynx Point would also start to darken with age hence showing off the stripes.
The Lynx point is available in a variety of colours especially, apricot, cinnamon, red, caramel apart from their four major points blue, lilac, seal and chocolate.
These cats have an “M” shaped marking present on their forehead along with spotted whisker pads. Their ears are mostly outlined with the colour of the stripes present on the face. The central area is mostly pale coloured that would at times look like a thumbprint.
Friendly & Loyal:
Lynx Point cats have the same characteristics that of the other Siamese breed. Though you may not find them as vocal as the other various breeds.
But they have a pleasing personality which cannot be missed out. They are loyal, love to play around and very intelligent. This breed can easily fit in with all the members of the family. However, at times they have a laid back attitude. They are known to have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years.
The Lynx Point is a people-oriented breed hence do not prefer to be left alone especially for longer durations. They are very affectionate and tend to hover around people to gain attention. They love to be cuddled. You can also train them various games such as fetching.
You need to speak to them in an affectionate language and praise them from time to time especially when they have done some good work or completed their training. You can also present them their favourite treats once they complete a certain task.
The personality of Lynx Point is quite similar to that of any other Siamese breed with few differences. But their loyal, friendly and playful nature is something that you would find in all of the Siamese breed.
Is there really something called Lynx Point?
Talking technically, then there is nothing as “Lynx Point Siamese Cat”. This name came into existence because of the American Cat Fanciers Association. They started referring to cats having lynx markings as Lynx Color Point Shorthair. On the other hand, in the U.K, the Government Council of Cat Fancy refers to similar kind of cats as Tabby Point Siamese cat.
Hence, even when you come across both the names do not get confused. It is both referring to the same cat breed.
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