2022 Blessing Train wk 3 – Service Cats U.S.

Hey Zebby, c’mon, it’s time fur this week’s Blessing Train. Can you believe next week is Christmas? I’s so excited. I’s just luvs Christmas!

Raena lays on cat tree, Blest Sunday template

          Kittens RaenaBelle, I’s can barely wait. And, I’s excited about this week’s Blessing Train too. There’s still a couple of days left to hop on board, so click here to get your boxcar and instructions. God willing, the final ride will go live Saturday, 12/24/2022 so everypawdy can link up their Sunday posts.

Raena and Zebby with the 2022 Blessing Train Announcement


Yeah Zebby, it’s been a bit crazy around here. Our computer kept crashing and sounding like it was gonna explode. So, with the help of mommy’s therapist, we got a new to us iMac desktop. There’s been a big learning curve, and mommy still hasn’t figured it all out, but we’re getting there. We are extremely grateful and thanky thank you fur your patience while we muddle through this. Meowing of muddling through, can anypawdy explain to us what “Time Machine” is and if we want it to back up our computer?


Dalton and Benji 2022 boxcar


Anyways, on with today’s Blessing Train. You can see the furst stops of the season here and here. Our furst stop today takes us to visit our woofie furiends, Dalton and Benji. Thanky thank y’all fur joining in the Blessings.


Brian's Home Maxwell and Macy 2022 BT boxcar


         Next up, we head over to my mentor Brian’s home to pick up our newest pals, Maxwell and Macy. And the rest of the family, Seal, Simon, Kiki, and Brian of course. Thank y’all fur joining in the Blessings.


15 and Meowing 2022 boxcar


Our Next stop takes us to awnty Ellen’s to pick up our furiends, Joanie, Emmy, Rosie, Friday, Elvira, Penny, Trouble, Brody, Rusty, Rudy, Tuffy, Ethel, Lucy, and Bridget. Thanky thank you all fur joining in the Blessings.


Purrsonall Speaking, the Jcats 2022 boxcar


          Our last stop this week, takes us all the way to Israel to pick up our dear furiends, Queen Trixie, Caspurr, Shimshi, uncle Messi, and awnty Shimona. Thank y’all fur joining in the Blessings.

2022 Blessing Train

2022 Blessing Train Photo 2

2022 BT photo 3



          Don’t furget to grab the badge below and purrlease take a minute to visit each purrticipant’s blog. They’re all purrific!

2022 Blessing Train Badge


What a line up. Make sure to stop by next week fur the last ride of 2022. Now, we wanna say some thanky thank yous to awnty Vonda, fur the gift card, awnty Brenda fur the green papers, LouLou, awnty Suzanne and uncle Don fur the tasty cheese wheel, and dearest Valentine, awnty Kerry, and Esmeralda fur the green papers. We so appreciate the gifts, and even more, we treasure your furiendship. We cherish each and every furiendship, and ask God to Bless and keep each of you.


Rane and Zebby lay together

Our flashback selfie


          We luvs our furiends sooooooooo much. I’s gonna go link us up with the Kitties Blue fur Sunday Selifes.


RaenaBelle and Zebby 2022 Christmas Card


As we do each week, we’d like to remind you to take a minute today and every day to Give Thanks fur the Blessings in your lives. Thanky Thank you fur being Blessings in ours.


Till the next time…………………………………………………………….Be Blest!!!


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